Publishing of conference proceedings
This page will be updated as new information comes available.
Publishing Information
We are working with TU Delft OPEN Publishing (University Press) to publish the proceedings of IMDC in an open access book. The key information about publishing includes:
- All reviewed papers get an individual DOI
- The conference proceedings book will get a DOI and an ISBN
- Visibility and discoverability: The proceedings will be searchable in Google Scholar, Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), openAire, and we are working to also get them indexed in Scopus.
- License: CC-BY (free to reuse, share, adapt), copyright with authors
- Reuse of published materials: If you use published images, text or other materials (including logo), please be aware of copyright regulations
- Similarity check: All papers will be checked for similarity. Papers with over 30% similarity will be flagged for additional review
- Datasets: Please deposit your datasets in a recognized data repository
Abstract review
Abstracts are reviewed by 2 reviewers, 1 from the International Committee and 1 from the National Committee. Abstracts receive either an "Accept" or "Reject" as well as written feedback from the reviewers.
Full paper review
Accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a full manuscript to be included in the Conference Proceedings. The review process is as follows:
- Draft manuscripts: Draft manuscripts will be reviewed by the same 2 reviewers as reviewed the abstract. The deadline for the draft manuscripts is February 15, 2024. It is expected that the draft manuscripts are complete manuscripts, and reviewers reserve the right to reject incomplete manuscripts at this stage.
- Revised manuscripts: After review, the revised manuscripts are due April 15, 2024. The revised manuscripts will be checked by the publisher for style and similarity. Manuscripts with over 30% similarity will be flagged for additional review. Thus, minor editorial changes may still be requested on revised manuscripts.
- Best Student Paper eligible papers will also have one additional reviewer from the International Committee assigned to evaluate and score the revised manuscript.
Paper Template
The Word and LaTeX template can be found under the "Abstract and Paper Instructions" tab.
Local organizing
Local organizing committeecontact@imdc-info.com
Marine Etablissement AmsterdamMarine Etablissement AmsterdamKattenburgerstraat 5 1018JA Amsterdam Netherlands