Best Student Paper Award
This year we are introducing a "Best Student Paper Award".
Eligible papers and general rules
Papers are eligible for the IMDC Best Student Paper Award if the work presented is part of education or research related to an academic degree actively being pursued by the lead author (PhD, MSc, BSc, etc.). Co-authors, such as academic supervisors, are allowed; however, the paper should be, principally, the work of the lead student author. If the work is a collaboration between multiple students, that is also allowed.
The use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies for scientific writing is allowed, but has to be properly acknowledged in the manuscript according to the style guidelines (see paper template). Reviewers reserve the right to take the use of generative AI into consideration in their review score of "Clarity of writing".
Evaluation criteria
Papers are judged on a 1-10 scale based on the following criteria:
- Contribution to the state-of-the-art in marine design
- Novelty of research and overall body of work
- Technical competence and accuracy
- Clarity of writing
- Quality of presentation and Q/A (Note, the eligible student has to present the paper and be lead in answering questions during the Q/A)
Each criteria is equally weighted for a maximum score of 50 points from each reviewer. The grading scale is:
10 = Excellent
9 = Great
8 = Good
7 = More than satisfactory
6 = Satisfactory
<6 = Unsatisfactory
Evaluation process
Eligible papers will be placed through the normal round of review with all other papers. Upon acceptance of the revised manuscript (due April 15), 1 additional member of the International Committee will be assigned to evaluate the paper. Thus, each paper will have 3 evaluations (2 from the International Committee, and 1 from the National Committee). The score from the three reviewers will be added together, for a maximum of 150 points total. The paper with the highest score wins and will be announced during the conference banquet on Wednesday June 5. The winner will be invited on stage to receive their prize. We will also announce the 2nd and 3rd place papers.
Local organizing
Local organizing committeecontact@imdc-info.com
Marine Etablissement AmsterdamMarine Etablissement AmsterdamKattenburgerstraat 5 1018JA Amsterdam Netherlands